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Péninsule des Terres Basses



La péninsule des Terres Basses s’étend entre la mer des Caraïbes et le lagon de Simpson Bay, dans la partie Ouest de Saint-Martin. C’est un plateau calcaire datant de 25 millions d’années, où sept sites archéologiques ont été découverts, dont celui de Baie Rouge où vivait le dernier village amérindien connu à Saint-Martin vers 1550.
On y trouve trois des plus belles plages de l’île : Baie Longue, Baie aux Prunes et Baie Rouge.
Peninsula Lowlands lies between the Caribbean Sea and the Simpson Bay Lagoon in the western part of St. Martin. It is a limestone plateau dating from 25 million years ago, where seven archaeological sites were discovered, including Baie Rouge where lived the last Indian village known in Saint-Martin in 1550.
There are three of the most beautiful beaches of the island: Long Bay, Plum Bay and Baie Rouge.

ENGLISH : Peninsula Lowlands lies between the Caribbean Sea and the Simpson Bay Lagoon in the western part of St. Martin. It is a limestone plateau dating from 25 million years ago, where seven archaeological sites were discovered, including Baie Rouge where lived the last Indian village known in Saint-Martin in 1550.
There are three of the most beautiful beaches of the island: Long Bay, Plum Bay and Baie Rouge.


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