1 00:00:01 --> 00:00:06 Le Moule town holds its name after the word “mole” which means “jetty”. 2 00:00:06 --> 00:00:13 The thermal power station of The Moule which produces 27% of the electric power of Guadeloupe is found there. 3 00:00:13 --> 00:00:17 The town is presently under full economic development. 4 00:00:17 --> 00:00:22 Le Moule is also the only port found on the Atlantic coast, 5 00:00:22 --> 00:00:28 and place of the last distillery of the island, Damoiseau, as well as the sugar factory, Gardel. 6 00:00:28 --> 00:00:33 It’s a famous resort well known for its waves and surfing paradise. 7 00:00:33 --> 00:00:40 Le Moule used to be the residential area of the colonial aristocracy at the beginning of the 18th century. 8 00:00:40 --> 00:00:44 Itinhabitants are called the “Mouliens” or “Tannis”.