Lamentin Fondée en 1720 dans une zone marécageuse, la commune tire son nom, comme son homonyme martiniquais du Lamentin, un mammifère marin aquatique herbivore qui a depuis disparu des petites Antilles.
L’église, le Palais de justice, la mairie et le presbytère ont été détruits en 1920 par un cyclone et reconstruits depuis
Au 18éme siècle, Lamentin doit son essor économique aux café, cacao, coton et à la canne à sucre.
Lamentin s’oriente désormais vers le tourisme vert avec, en particulier, la station thermale de la Ravine Chaude.
Anglais: Lamentin village, founded in 1720 in a swampy zone, was named after its namesake Lamentin, an herbivorous marine mammal which has disappeared since from the French West Indies.
Its church, courthouse, town council, and presbytery were completely destroyed during a cyclone in 1920 and completely reconstructed since.
During the 18th century, Lamentin developed its economic activities with coffee, cocoa, cotton, and sugar cane plantations.
Nowadays, Lamentin is more focused on green tourism, as well as the development of its thermal resort at “Ravine Chaude”.